第3回「生賴範義 賞」作品募集のお知らせ
第3回「生賴範義 賞」 募集要項
部 門
応募資格 高校生以上のアマチュアであること。
出 品 料 無料。 ※出品に必要な制作費、輸送費は出品者の負担とする。
出 品 数 一人2点以内。 ※出品票は1点ごとに記入すること。
・自作の未発表作品に限る。 ※公募展において入選・入賞した作品は既発表作とする。
▷手 描 き…キャンバスF20号(72.7cm×60.6cm)またはB2(72.8cm×51.5cm)以内。
- デジタル作品データ、または写真やスキャンによる画像を用いて審査を行う。原画は送らないこと。
- 出品票に必要事項を記入の上、作品データ(または写真)と共に事務局までメールか郵送で送付する。
- 応募方法
▷郵 送…出品票とA4用紙に出力した作品(または撮影した写真)を同封する(直接持参も可能)
- 一次審査に応募されたデータや写真、出品票は返却しない。
- 出品票
3rd Annual art contest.docx 03boshuyoukou.pdf
- 一次審査通過後、加筆・修正が加えられた作品は、選外とする。
- 手描き原画または出力したデジタル作品を額装(アクリル可・ガラス不可)し、吊り紐をつけること。
- 入賞作品の搬出は展示期間終了後(12月初旬頃予定)、選外作品は審査結果の発表後とする。
- 一次審査(データ審査)・二次審査(原画審査)ともに審査員による審査が行われる。
- 審査結果は審査終了後、出品者全員に通知する。入賞者の情報のみHP等で公開する。
- 審査結果発表後に公序良俗違反、知的財産権の問題が発生した場合など、審査結果を取り消す場合がある。
- 審査についての問い合わせおよび異議は受け付けない。出品後の自己都合による出品取り下げも受け付けない。
石川 千佳子 (宮崎大学副学長兼附属図書館長)
開田 裕治 (イラストレーター)
氷川 竜介 (明治大学大学院特任教授)
樋口 真嗣 (映画監督)
〈表彰〉 ※入選・入賞は該当なしの場合もある
高校生部門 優秀賞 2点(図書カード3万円分+記念品)
入 選 若干数(記念品)
一般部門 大 賞 1点(賞金30万円+副賞)
優秀賞 2点(賞金5万円)
入 選 若干数(記念品)
〈表彰式〉 ※全て予定
- 作品受付後の不慮の事故や、自然災害、不可抗力による紛失、破損、汚損に対して主催者は責任を負わない。
- 作品画像、題名および氏名、年齢、居住都道府県名は、主催者の広報活動、報道機関等に使用される場合がある。
- 本賞の出品に関して知り得た個人情報については、目的外で利用しない。
- 災害および感染症等の影響により、募集または展示について中止や延期を含めて変更する場合がある。
みやざき文化村 生賴範義賞係
〒880-0001 宮崎県宮崎市橘通西3丁目3番27号アートセンタービル3F
TEL:0985-22-3115/FAX:0985-22-3116 E-mail:ohrai_award@ohrai.net
〈主 催〉 公益社団法人 生賴範義記念みやざき文化推進協会、みやざき文化村
〈特別協賛〉 株式会社内田洋行
〈協 賛〉 宮崎市、株式会社早川書房、フェニックスリゾート株式会社
〈後 援〉 宮崎県、宮崎県教育委員会、宮崎日日新聞社、朝日新聞社、毎日新聞社、読売新聞西部本社、
The 3rd Annual "Noriyoshi Ohrai Award"
Application Guidelines

1.Purpose of the award:
The Miyazaki Culture Promotion Association, is a public interest incorporated association. Noriyoshi Ohrai, who has been active as a global illustrator in Miyazaki City for 40 years.
He has received the Miyazaki Prefecture Cultural Award, the Miyazaki City Achievement Award, and the Cultural Agency Film Award. The crowned Noriyoshi Ohrai Award was established in 2020.
This is the third time we will openly solicit illustrations with the theme of "Science Fiction, fantasy, and myth from all over the country. This exhibit will commend and showcase excellent works of art as well as serve to train and produce next-generation illustrators.
2. Sponsors:
Organized by the Public Interest Incorporated Association Noriyoshi Ohrai Memorial Miyazaki Culture Promotion Association.
Co-sponsored by City of Miyazaki, Miyazaki Cultural Village.
Special Sponsored by UCHIDA YOKO CO., LTD.
Sponsored by Hayakawa Publishing, Sheraton Grande Ocean Resort
Scheduled to be sponsored: Miyazaki Prefecture.
3.Exhibition period:
November 12th (Sat) -November 27st (Sun), 2022
4. Exhibition Venue:
Miyazaki Art Center
5. Application acceptance period:
July 25th (Mon) to31st (Sun), 2022
Applications must be postmarked on or before July 31st, 2022 to be valid if mailed.
Primary Judging committee will meet in early August 2022
Final Judging committee will meet and notify those sellers who have passed the primary screening.
6. Qualification requirements:
Being an amateur artist above high school level.
7. Application and general rules:
(1) Works must comply with the theme Science Fiction, fantasy or myth.
(2) No application fees are required; however, the seller will be responsible for the production costs as well as for shipping costs required for application.
※ Entries are limited to unpublished original works created by oneself. Work must not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.
In the event of an intellectual property issue, the applicant shall bear all legal responsibility.
(3) Art material dimensions: For hand-painted canvas F20 (72.7 cm x 60.6 cm) or B2 (72.8 cm within 51.5 cm). In the case of digital works, production assuming that they will be output in A3 at the time of exhibition. Resolution should be 350 dpi or higher. Vertical or horizontal works are both acceptable.
(4) Entries are limited to 2 works per person.
(5) The categories:
・ general section (18 years old and over, including university and vocational school students)
・ high school students.
【Rules for the first judging committee:】
(1) Perform a photo or data review. Do not send the original picture.
(2) Apply with data suitable for printing on A4 size 210mm X 297mm. Or submit a print or photo on A4 paper.
Clearly indicate the dimensions of the work (length, width, top as well as bottom of the work).
(3) How to apply:
Fill out the attached exhibition application form and send it to the secretariat by e-mail or mail together with a photo or data of the art work.
The photos and data submitted for the first screening will not be returned.
3rd Annual art contest.docx 03boshuyoukou.pdf
* Please download the application form for the first screening, fill in the required items, and send it with the work data.
【Regulations of the final examination committee】
(1) Frame the hand-painted or output work. Then pack it and send it. Works may also be brought in directly within the specified period.
The seller is responsible for shipping and packing costs as well as for loading and unloading. Accidents of damage to the work during transportation is the seller’s responsibility.
The outer dimensions of the frame must not exceed 830mm x 710mm and a thickness of 150mm which includes the width of the mat.
(2) The winning works will be carried out after the exhibition period, and the non-selected works will be repacked using the packing materials provided by the applicant. After the screening results are announced, and then returned by cash on delivery.
(3) Works that have been revised or modified after passing the first screening will be excluded. In addition, the result of the second examination will be announced. The examination results may be revoked in the event of a violation of public order and morals or a problem of intellectual property rights.
8. Judges (planned)
Chikako Ishikawa (Professor, Faculty of Education and Culture,
Miyazaki University)
Taro Ohrai (painter)
Yuji Kaida (illustrator)
Ryusuke Hikawa (Specially Appointed Professor, Meiji University Graduate School)
Shinji Higuchi (Film director)
9. Prizes:
General categories:
・ 1 grand prize, prize of 300,000 JPY,
supplementary prize: SF magazine cover illustration production published by Hayakawa Publishing
2 excellence awards, prize of 50,000 JPY
・ High school student category:
2 excellence awards prizes of: 30,000 JPY book card + 1 Noriyoshi Ohrai exhibition catalog
10. Awards ceremony:
To be held at 1:00 PM on Friday, November 11, 2021 at the Miyazaki Art Center
* Grand Prize winner will be presented with prize.
11. Other:
(1) The award-winning works will be used in the organizer's public relations magazines, news media, etc.
(2) After accepting the work, the organizer will not be liable for accident damage, natural disasters, or accidents caused by force majeure.
(3) The organizer will not use the personal information required to apply for this contest for any other purpose.
12. Application/Inquiries:
Art Center Bild. 3F Tachibana-Nishi 3choume, Miyazaki city, MIYAZAKI, JAPAN 880-0001
TEL 81-985-22-3115 FAX 81-985-22-3116
E-mail office@miyazaki-ac.com